
3500 km

Let's look up at the world in our eyes

This is our moon

Next up is Mars


7 000 km


5 000 km

And then there's the wondeful plant Mercury


12 500 km (Know as Earth's sister planet)


13 000 km

You are still here!

Our blue planet


50 000 km

(The smallest known gas giant in the solar system)

Quiet and elegant Neptune


51 000 km

(Tilted sideways, also has rings)


123 000 km

(Not the only planet that has rings)


150 000 km

(The biggest gas giant in our solar system)


1400 000 km

(Yellow main-sequence start)

(Our host star in the solar system)

The source of our frery existence

UY Scuti

2500 000 000 km

(Red Supergiant)

(Fun Fact:It is the biggest known star in the Milky Way galaxy)

In comparison,

the sun appears to be so small

The Milky Way

150 000 Light Years

There are many hundred billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy,

nearly all of them are circled by at least one planet or other stars in the Milky Way.

9 Billion Light Years

The Cosmic Web,which there are billions and billions of galaxies.

We are just a small galaxy in the universe

The Observable Universe

We don't know many other unknown universes exist in the long river of history and waiting for us to explore

Perhaps there is nothing that matters most, and we are only one creature in a universe of infinite universes and stars